Wednesday, July 22, 2009

7 weeks of fun

TUMMY TIME - This week he got his legs up underneath him, yea!

He loves to sleep on his tummy, although I try not to let him at night:)

He is too cute!

Dilyn keeps growing and getting stronger. He is starting to smile and coo at his mom and dad. I tried to catch him smiling on camera, but it is only a half smile.


Timothy and Nicole said...

He's adorable!

Jason and Brianne Kjar said...

He is so cute we look forward to seeing him again sometime next month.

Rory and Tosha Sargent said...

oh yeah im so excited you added more pics. sorry i didnt answer yesterday i was sleeping a lot yesterday and went to bad early i was so tired. ill call you today though. dilyn is so cute im starting to see more of you in him a little bit of kyle but mostly you jenna. love you guys.

Ellie said...

7 weeks. Holy Moly. Keep the pictures coming!!

Allyson White said...

He is soooo cute! My kids loved their tummies too! I'm glad you are having fun...hopefully you are getting some sleep!

Brittany Boyce said...

Jenna, this is random but I want to invite you to my graduation party but I'm not sure how to reach you so please shoot me an email at and I will send you an evite. It's tomorrow night in my parent's backyard in Folsom starting at 6:00!

Trina said...

I miss those days. Can't wait to see him in person. Kevin and Kalten are helping out your dad for a few days. Poor Mark.